Sorry to not update sooner but I was a walking zombie for most of the day.
On to the good news though--we are not in the hospital! She's still doing poor but she was drinking (more on the fact that she willingly drank the barium next) and ate some a today so we are still going to stay in a holding pattern. The fevers have remained lower, around 100-101, but she's also been getting very low as in hypothermia low (93-94). Last night was a crazy one, see above about the walking zombie, because she was up crying from about 3 a.m. until 6 a.m. for no reason i could find. On top of just crying she was so cold it was scary and even laying on my chest, wrapped in blankets in 70 degree weather she was unable to get warm. The final straw to make me really consider taking her to the ER was when she started tripping for a complete lack of a better word. She had her hands up in front of her face moving her fingers and clicking with her tongue. She wouldn't answer any questions I was asking her but would settle back down only to do it again 10-15 minutes later. This lasted right around an hour then we just went back to the crying and shivering until she finally fell back asleep. Go figure 'cause I have no bloody idea.
This morning she did have the upper GI study done with the barium and I have to tell you, Alana so rocks! I was thinking that this was going to be a long morning with her, even more so with her being so overtired, but alas, she drank it as she was told and when she was told. The tech made her smile by telling her some adults whine over the barium drinks and she should teach them how to do it. It did take a long time, around an hour and a half and they had to have her roll over from side to side on the table for awhile, then they decided to just wait a bit and she just laid there looking around (almost fell asleep) and then they resumed the scan again. They looked at her esophagus while she swallowed, they watched it enter the stomach, then work a bit into the intestinal tract. of course there is no results yet but by Thursday we should hear something. They did make us wait another 30 minutes while they talked with the doctor to make sure we could leave so not sure if that is standard or if they saw something of interest.
While we are on the GI issue today we made the appointment with the GI, August 24th, and there we will be going over the plans for her EGD and colonoscopy as well as the G tube talk. McDr will be keeping a close eye on her in the meantime and if things change; i.e. she goes inpatient for something else, drops more weight, we may address those sooner. Yesterday she ate 810 calories and today she's only up to 680 but we still haven't had dinner yet. The most that she's eaten since I've started keeping track a week ago is just over a 1000, 1010 to be exact. What are we going to do with you little girl!
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