Well things are clipping along on our normal route around here. We have been enjoying some fantastic weather here, I am talking 80 degree weather for almost a week. It's cooled down to high 70's and expected to stay this way for another week and I can't tell you how nice it is to have some heat this summer. On a cruddy note there are over 70 fires burning now within Alaska and it's created smoke inhalation advisory's on certain days so we are keeping a close eye on that and making sure Alana is wearing her O2 (and not making it "fall" off) and just being super aware of the air out there.
We had a blast on Wednesday and Thursday though! On Wednesday we went to one of the local creeks with a park and had a picnic with our dear friend Carolyn. It was an amazing day, amazing time, and she's one amazing woman. She was Alana's preschool teacher and has not only melded into our family seamlessly, but she accepts Alana for who she is, illness, hysterics, laughs and all. I think sometimes it's hard for adults, particularly teacher figures, who want her to conform and relax when she's having a break down for being so over tired, over done, over being sick.
On Thursday we went to a lake and wow! it was warm! Talk about strange going to a lake in Alaska and it being warm water. One of the wonderful things about this beach, yes beach, is that they bring in sand so it's not only warm but you can truly make sand castles. Now all those that live in the lower 48 are prolly snickering at this but hey, at least we don't have to share hospital rooms LOL! We played on the beach from 11 am until 2 pm and yes, due to all the running around from the last 2 days today we are paying a dear price in the form of Alana screaming and crying, running a fever, refusing to eat much of anything and just very, very tired. She slept for hours after each day but it's still not enough to compensate for doing those many activities. I think it's going to be alright, she needs to be able to have some "regular" kid activities as do her sisters. She possibly won't remember being mad today but I think she will remember being happy and having fun in the creek and at the beach. It's all about balance and to help with that we've stayed home all day today and I've just let her lead the way in regards to her naps and everything.
On the medical front we did get the GI study back and it was all within normal limits. The nurse that called didn't give me much else to go on but she did say that there is *gasp* no reflux. Go figure. It's all good though because maybe now that can be put to bed finally...she does NOT have reflux. This should also put any thoughts of doing the fundo procedure out of the GI's head. I hope.
Right now her fever is over a 100 and she's uncomfortable and to be honest for awhile I've felt she's been more "off" then usual so tonight's going to be a long one keeping an eye on her. It's hard to explain the feeling, but other parents out there who deal with chronically ill children know the feeling (Linda!) that you get when you just can't put your finger on it but there's all those little signs that something wicked this way comes. Here's to being wrong, I am all for it!!
YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE First I love the pic of your 3 beauties. Your girls are all special. Thrilled I am, you all went and "played", the pics just make me grin. I understand the price of such fun BUT I agree with you 100%...you are making memories..for all of you and that is worth it all. I will send some extra energy and healing for your little one this weekend and also for you dear Jessica! xxxx love Deb (Sage)
I know the "premonition" feeling, and I hope that she's ok... and we fight with Eithene about the O2 EVERY day. You aren't alone :)
Did you ever get the FD results back?
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