Sunday, April 13, 2014

The weekend...

I know I didn't post about the last appointment on Friday with Neurology but we can get to that tomorrow when I update about Mondays appointments. 

Yesterday we went to Ft. Knox and visited TJs sister and her family for a bit. It was so good for Alana to be able to 1: Sleep for that long and 2: play with kids in a home setting. She was able to play dolls and knex and just be free for a little bit. It was a fun road trip. 

It was so warm out I actually got sunburnt on my shoulders! Gotta love 84 degree weather. I am very grateful for the opportunity to get away from the hotel and hospital and be in a normal environment. 

Was actually able to sleep in a little bit (okay until 7am) and after breakfast headed to the zoo.  It was another beautiful day, reaching in the 80s, and I think that contributed to Alana being a bit more cranky and tired than she was the day before. By the time we did the giraffes, which we did first, she was done and just laying back in her chair for the most part. But what is important is she got to feed the giraffes, she was first in line and so the giraffes were very reseptive to food. 

She did have fun when we got to the monkey exhibit though. There was a little guy who would follow her no matter what side of the exhibit she was at. She'd touch the glass and he would. When she'd pull away he'd use a little jug and beat on the glass. 

After that she was ready to go. We wandered around a bit and got some lunch, FYI, a large lemonade at the zoo is $6. Just in a case you were wondering....

The rest of the day was spent at the hotel, she was resting and TJ had paperwork to catch up on so it was nice and quiet and low key. Tomorrow starts another very long week with the largest of the admits happening. She will be admitted Tuesday and isn't released until Friday. There are more labs tomorrow as well as the 2 appointments. We have opted to do some of the testing at home so we can come home. When we have the ability to do them there that's where I want to do them. These tests won't change the course of treatment as they are more damage control type testing but they do need to be done, another MRI and a MRS. The labs though do need to be done here so that's tomorrow. Till then. 


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