Friday, September 18, 2009

Hey...guess what...

Just wanted to do a quick update...


She's able to be managed at home now so here we be. She's still in a lot of pain BUT her BP is better, still on the high side but better, and same with her pulse. Lungs still have sticky-to-themselves issues but she is able to hold her sats up just fine. We are trying the thing we knew was going to come, managed care. There's no way around it anymore and even though it's hard to accept, this is how it needs to be, we can "manage" her care at home now.

We have to check in on Monday or sooner if anything goes south. Tonight we will do a feed, we've been giving her stomach time to rest & reduce some of the swelling and pain, so hopefully it will go smoothly. We are only going to do 60 mL so not to much at all. Later tonight or tomorrow morning I will post some new pictures so until them...


chrystal said...

Oooooooooooooooooh welcome home! Delighted and I will let others know. We'll be sending our best for you to sleep tonight my dears. and out love extends to Eithene. Love to you all Debs (sage)

Jessica said...

Jess, I'm so glad you are home! Hopefully Alana will be ale to heal better in her own environment. :)

ITs so aggravating that one problem solved (g tube is now in) leads to 5 problems that are new or old-problems-back-to-visit.... but such is life with our kiddos! Hope things stay manageable in the land of managed care :)

ps- thanks SO much for asking for prayer for us!