Monday, June 23, 2008

Taking a break from the past...

So it's still tonight but I want to take the time to just talk. Reading Alanas story and the way that things were going and have been going may make you think that I've given up hope. That there was nothing good about her infancy/toddler-hood. This is not the case. Alana has been such a bright spot in our lives as well as the lives of so many. She's an extension of her sisters. The strength that they show. The love that they share. The hope that they bring.

We are so very, very blessed to have such amazing children. Nothing could ever happen that would make me want to change them. I know that reading through these early years seems depressing. That our lives were filled with nothing but doctors visits and hospital stays. And don't get me wrong, it was but there was also happiness. There was love and smiles and dreams coming true.

Nothing can ever take away the fact that we are so happy to have such amazing children. Things can get so bad but you know what's always there? Larry and I. We can make it and we do. We have such an amazing family. Not just the girls but our extended family. My parents, my siblings, our friends.

Please remember this, I know that I sound cynical and maybe even a little hopeless in my retelling of our journey but do know this and know it without a doubt. I love my children. I love my husband. I love my life and the things that I've been honored to receive.

1 comment:

Babette & Robert Gierke said...

What a great picture! Love it!